A child wearing braces and pants,wearing a hat, standing naturally,with a front and full body,Advanced natural color matching,bright and harmonious, lovely andcolorful,Advanced natural color matching,bright and harmonious, lovely andcolorful detailed character design,Behance,shanghai style, organicsculpture, c4D style, 3D animationstyle character design, cartoon realism, funny character design, raytracing, children's book illustrationstyle,Best lighting, 8K, best quality --v 5.1
A child wearing braces and pants,wearing a hat, standing naturally,with a front and full body,Advanced natural color matching,bright and harmonious, lovely andcolorful,On the path of the forest, in the morning, the sunshine,Advanced natural color matching,bright and harmonious, lovely andcolorful detailed character design,Behance,shanghai style, organicsculpture, c4D style, 3D animationstyle character design, cartoon realism, funny character design, raytracing, children's book illustrationstyle,Best lighting, 8K, best quality --v 5.1
A child wearing braces and pants,wearing a hat, standing naturally,with a front and full body,Advanced natural color matching,bright and harmonious, lovely andcolorful,Advanced natural color matching,bright and harmonious, lovely andcolorful detailed character design,Behance,shanghai style, organicsculpture, c4D style, 3D animationstyle character design, cartoon realism, funny character design, raytracing, children's book illustrationstyle,Best lighting, 8K, best quality --v 5.1
Three characters with Asian facial features and smiling faces are sitting on a car roof, surrounded by flowers and grass. The design is a 3D modeling created using geometric modeling techniques in Blender, with soft lighting achieved through Cycles rendering. The cute effect is achieved through large heads and small bodies. The poster has a clean background --v 5
Three characters with Asian facial features and smiling faces are sitting on a car roof, surrounded by flowers and grass. The design is a 3D modeling created using geometric modeling techniques in Blender, with soft lighting achieved through Cycles rendering. The cute effect is achieved through large heads and small bodies. The poster has a clean background --v 5
a lion standing naturally,with a front and full body,Advanced natural color matching,bright and harmonious, lovely andcolorful,On the path of the forest, in the morning, the sunshine,Advanced natural color matching,bright and harmonious, lovely andcolorful detailed character design,Behance,shanghai style, organicsculpture, c4D style, 3D animationstyle character design, cartoon realism, funny character design, raytracing, children's book illustrationstyle,Best lighting, 8K, best quality --v 5.1
a lion standing naturally,with a front and full body,Advanced natural color matching,bright and harmonious, lovely andcolorful,Advanced natural color matching,bright and harmonious, lovely andcolorful detailed character design,Behance,shanghai style, organicsculpture, c4D style, 3D animationstyle character design, cartoon realism, funny character design, raytracing, children's book illustrationstyle,Best lighting, 8K, best quality --v 5.1
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